Name: Delta Omicron - Sigma Chapter
University: Illinois Wesleyan
Birthday: May 1, 1926
Colors: Rose and Gray
Flower: Lilly of the Valley
Motto: Continually striving, we attain.
This truth comes to us more and more, the longer we live, that in what field, or in what uniform, or with what aims we do our duty, matters very little; or even what our duty is, great or small, splendid or obscure, only to find our duty certainly and somewhere, somehow to do it faithfully, makes us good, strong, happy and useful, and tunes our lives into some feeble echo of the life of God.
-Phillips Brooks
The Sigma chapter of Delta Omicron was established at Illinois Wesleyan University in 1926. SInce then, the chapter has started supporting the country's oldest, and longest-running, collegiate choral commission, hosts an annual Jazz Night with local and university ensembles, volunteers at nursing homes and hospitals regularly, and has provided thousands of dollars in instruments to local schools and historic buildings, among other accomplishments. Delta Omicron gives music majors and minors the opportunity to socialize, volunteer, gain leadership experience, give back to our alma mater, and make the Bloomington-Normal community a more musical place.

Mission Statement
The Mission of Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity is to promote and support excellence in music and musicianship.
Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity is a professional fraternity in the field of music with collegiate chapters established throughout the United States and abroad. The fraternity was founded in 1909 at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music by three undergraduate students. The Founders were Hazel Wilson, Lorena Creamer, and Mable Dunn. Delta Omicron is the only organization of its kind founded by students for students. From 1909 to the present, twenty-six Delta Omicron national presidents have guided the fraternity to achieve and fulfill its purposes and objectives.
to create and foster fellowship through music;
to give music students an opportunity to meet with one another and, by personal contact and exchange of ideas, to broaden the individual outlook;
to strengthen a devotion and loyalty to Alma Mater;
to develop character and leadership;
to encourage the highest possible scholastic attainment, excellence of individual performance; and appreciation of good music
to give material aid to worthy students;
to manifest interest in young musicians.
to promote American music and musicians;
to further the work of composers;
to stimulate appreciation of good music at the community level;
to advance high ethical standards of professional conduct in the musical world;
to encourage understanding of the cultures of all nations;
to do any and all things conducive to the service, betterment, and ultimate welfare of musicians.